Solar Panel Cost The Shocking Truth

By Jeff Barnsworth

Solar power can be a great renewable energy source if we can find a way to lower the solar panel cost. The decision to use solar energy to power your home are based on two reasons. The main reason to switch over to using solar panels is to reduce or eliminate their dependency on the electric company. The other reason would be for environmental reasons.

Why so Much?

What can you do to avoid the high solar panel cost? Let me first explain why they are so high. Solar power is starting to be implemented more and more, since the demand has increased so has the price for the parts that are used to make solar panels. A second reason for the high price is the fact that solar power has not really caught on as fast as it should have. The few big companies that are involved in this business are able to dominate the market. With out this added competition, these companies are able to charge a premium for there products and services.


The Good News

There is some good news though, there is a way to avoid these high solar panel costs and save yourself thousands. There is a better way. One way of getting around the high solar panel cost is by doing it yourself. Ill talk more about that in a second, first let me explain what i mean by the extreme solar panel cost I was talking about earlier.

You see these companies realize that creating and puting up your own solar panels seems sounds really hard, all though it isn’t very hard at all. These business realize the most customers are acustom to high electric bills every month so the thought of a large upfront cost to set these systems up does not come as a big suprise to their customers. So what kind of price tag are these businesses putting on your solar panels and systems. Depending on the size of your system you are looking at a minimum of a few thousand dollars for an average size home. The larger systems, the kind that can run your whole house and take you off the grid can cost as much as $40,000. At that price range I imagine you can see exactly what I mean when i say the solar panel cost can be very prohibitive.

The Solution

Now what would you do if I told you that you can make and install your very own solar power systems and avoid the excessive solar panel cost. If the cost was under $200, wouldn’t that make it a whole new ballgame? Under $200 doesn’t seem possible does it? The reason it can be done so cheap is because everything you require to make these solar panels can be found at your local stores and putting them together is a lot simpler than it sounds. But don’t wait to long or it won’t last, the price of the parts you need is already on the rise as more and more people start to take control of there energy needs and implement solar power in their home.

About the Author: Don’t wait, find out everything you need to know about do it yourself solar power systems before the Solar Panel Cost goes up even more at


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